Kevin Perlmutter

Founder Limbic Brand Evolution

I work with CMOs, Brand and Business Leaders who have set out to make people’s lives better. I help them create stronger connections between their brand and the people whom they want to reach. I develop foundational brand strategy, rooted in emotional insight, and then activate how your brand comes to life through brand positioning, messaging, customer experiences, offerings, and identity.

Kevin Perlmutter is brand and customer relationship strategist – Chief Strategist & Founder of Limbic Brand Evolution. Limbic is a brand consultancy specializing in understanding emotional motivations and applying behavioral science. Kevin helps Brand and Business Leaders answer the question: “Why should people care about your brand?” and turns emotional insight into a competitive advantage. His work focuses brand strategy and is immediately actionable, so you can evolve messaging, experiences and offerings to increase brand desire, engagement and loyalty.
Kevin is a frequent writer and speaker – you can find many published articles and talks on his website. You’ll also find episodes of his own podcast, Let’s Talk Limbic Sparks, where brand leaders share how they are tapping into emotional insight to drive growth for the brands that they serve.